10 Point Plan - Weltretter *


It is easy to say: “It’s no use. What can a single individual do?” If everyone thinks that way, nothing happens. Everyone abjures responsibility and events take their course. It is in our hands. If we do not take responsibility, this fantastic planet and our children will suffer the cost.

Start with yourself - true to the quote from my role model Mahatma Gandhi: "You must be the Change you wish to see in the World." Anyone who studies the material on this website and is touched by it cannot help but take a determined stand on behalf of this planet and its inhabitants.

Weltretter Ebook

Our 10 Point Plan will provide initial orientation for a quick start. We have researched many topics for you. All you have to do is get started. Begin with simple things and then undertake measures later that may require more effort. The more people you can inspire, the better.

Start now with the Weltretter 10 Point Plan

Übersicht 10 Punkte-Plan

* this means World saviors